Auto Transport Services in

South El Monte



We can ship your car, auto or truck to or from

South El Monte

. We have satisfied customers throughout the greater


area. Get a quote today or give us a call to see how Soldier Car Transport can help you.

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We can ship to or from

South El Monte

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Our Services

We offer a satisfactory guarantee to all customers. If we do not meet your expectations, Soldier Car Transport will refund a portion of the service charge back to you. We are the only auto shipping company the offers such a guarantee to ensure proper service. We will earn your trust and confidence.

Open Car Transport

Enclosed Car Transport

Recreational Vehicle Shipping

Oversized Auto Shipping

International Shipping

Custom Freight Shipping

Satisfied Customers

Chloe Robinson
January 2020

Shipping my car cross country always makes me nervous, but Patrick and the team at Soldier Car Transport put my worries at ease. The customer service was excellent, and the entire delivery process was in a timely manner. I highly recommend using this company for auto shipping!

Christopher Johnson
March 2022

Easiest car transport for the best price. Moved from Florida to Seattle with a few days notice. They had a company pick up my car right by my house. They got the car to us so fast on the other side we cancelled our rental and they dropped our car off at our hotel. Patrick was super helpful navigating what I was seeing from car transport companies, he beat the second best price I found by 20%. I have 2 more cars I plan to ship in the next year, I'll definitely be going with Soldier Car Transport.

Devon Calhoun
March 2021

Very easy and I needed these guys at such a short notice! They took my car and I paid a deposit $250 and then you pay the rest once your car returns. I was going across country WA State to Georgia and it wasn’t very clear when the car was going to show up due to the short notice however, A day or two after I left the state they told me my car was on the way! I received my vehicle and it was in perfect condition. These guys are great! Thanks again!

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We ship nationwide

Open Car Transport
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Enclosed Car Transport
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Recreational Vehicle Shipping
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Oversized Auto Shipping
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International Shipping
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Custom Freight Shipping
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