Transporting Your Car During Winter

Transporting Your Car During Winter
What the Cold Does to Trains
When the temperature reaches a threshold level of -25°C, trains begin to feel the effects of the cold. The metal contracts as it cools.
Additionally, extremely cold temperatures can cause brake system cracks or freezing, which lessen braking effectiveness and prolong recharge times. As a result, the length of the whole train must be adjusted to take brake functionality into account.
What the Cold Does to Trucks
When the temperature drops below -10°C, the effects of the cold begin to affect the trucks and trailers they pull. Between -10°C and -15°C is the gel point of the diesel fuel used to fill cars, which starts to thicken and flow through fuel lines less easily, reducing functionality and potentially causing several engine issues. The engine will shut off until the fuel lines can thaw and the diesel can flow because the fuel lines, which are thin metal tubes that carry diesel from the tank into the engine, can freeze if the temperature starts to decrease.
Preparing your Car for Cold
Your car must have winter tires with enough tread while transported by open truck or rail so the drivers can load it securely. The vehicle will drive up metal ramps, which can get very slick snow or ice.
The car needs to have everything operating, including the heating system, windows, and lights, more than before. If your windows aren't functioning correctly, snow may enter your car and build up inside.
Make sure your battery is properly maintained and charged all the way. Old or damaged batteries may die while transported since cold temperatures are bad for batteries. We won't be able to complete transporting your vehicle if a battery dies while you're waiting or while moving.